Make Your Elixir App Deployment Painless

Provision and deploy Elixir application on your own hosting provider without hassle.

Currently in beta, launching this summer.

Why Brewex?

Brewex takes all the difficult work out of your hands. No more manually provisioning and managing your cloud servers.
Focus on doing what you love: building awesome Elixir applications.


We install Nginx, Postgres, and more for you in just a few minutes. To help you get started quickly.

Push To Deploy

Push to master on your GitHub or custom repository to deploy new code. We'll take care of the rest.


Brewex can automatically build, test and deploy your applications. Use it to catch bugs and errors early in the development cycle.

SSL Certificates

Brewex integrates with LetsEncrypt, allowing you to obtain SSL certificates for free.

Secure By Default

Brewex only installs what must be on your production server. Includes SSH authentication and firewall out of the box. Security updates are installed automatically.

Environment Variables

Set and update your application environment variables on Brewex web interface.

Deploy your app in minutes.